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HomeFebruary 2024 Board Minutes

Salem Bicycle Club

Board Meeting Minutes

February 21, 2024


Call to Order-present: Debbie Miller, Ken Freeman, Tim Newman, Jillian Trinkhaus, Norm Johnson, Julie Glass, Bonnie Beal, Dan Shryock, Rob Gramenz, Steve Budde, Beth Schmidt.


Approval of Minutes- January 2024 Board meeting minutes were approved unanimously.


Treasurer's Report-


Monthly Financial reports were reviewed and are in order. Assets are 27,774.29.


The 2024 budget is coming together and a few items were discussed. The board agreed that $300 annual social media cost should be added. The board also voted on and agreed that a line item for donations of $1000 annually is approved. The 2024 budget will be updated and sent to the board and approved via email.


Membership update- Julie Glass has been sending out letters to welcome new members and also to thank members for renewing. Julie will write a draft letter to people who have not renewed. After she writes this, she will sent it to the board for suggestions and approval. It was noted that overall, membership has increased compared with last year.


Awards Banquet Summary- the awards banquet went well and was well attended. A lot of good feedback was given about the new venue. It was comfortable and set up and staffed well, including the technology needed for presentations. The portions were generous and generally people seemed to enjoy the food. Some board members felt that the vegetables needed to be improved and more attention paid to serving for those with dietary restrictions. Tim Newman will send out a poll to members who attended for their opinion on this venue for next year.


Rides Committee Report- Tim Newman reports the rides committee is doing well and there is nothing new to report. His term will be ending in the fall and a new rides committee chairperson needs to be found.


Spokes Magazine-The new electronic Spokes is going well. Dan Shryock reports 75% opens. He will add a solicitation for volunteers for the monster cookie ride.


Health and Wellness Fair ODOT is organizing an Oregon State employees Wellness and Benefits Fair and asked if SBC would like to participate as a vendor. Salem Bicycle Club would table at the event on May 22nd 2024 from 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. and promote health and safety benefits of cycling to the Oregon State Employees who attend. The event takes place at the Capitol Mall. A motion was made and approved unanimously to go ahead and participate. Debbie will look into some activities to promote interest and Rob will look into a possible bike safety and repair demonstration.

Club Merchandise - Tim Newman has been working hard on ideas for Club swag, including jerseys, arm warmers, and socks. The board agreed that this was generally a good idea as our current supply is very low. Socks might be the easiest item to obtain.



Safe Routes to School - Beth Schmidt, Program Coordinator for Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School (SRTS), attended the meeting to request that Salem Bicycle Club consider putting out a call to members to volunteer at a bicycle safety education event in Salem-Keizer schools. The pilot project is supported by Cycle Oregon and the SRTS will be provided with a bicycle fleet by Cycle Oregon that will move around the Salem Keizer School district for PE teachers to teach bicycle safety to elementary students. Club members will not be required to teach anything, this will be done by the PE teacher. Club volunteers will just be helping as needed such as loading and unloading bicycles into the gym, providing positive support to students and teachers, and perhaps some bicycle maintenance if needed. Club volunteer hours can be reported to Tim Newman and count toward award points at the end of the year. Volunteers will need to pass a background check before being accepted. These are the locations and dates of the program:


Chavez Elementary School from April 1st to April 19th

Harritt Elementary School from April 22nd to May 10th

Morningside Elementary School from May 13th to May 31st.


Beth Schmidts contact information is:


Here is the link for SKPS volunteers to apply.




Monster Cookie special jerseys we need to have 15 to 24 of these so that the cost can be $69 per jersey. we don't have that many ordered yet and the deadline is coming up. The board will consider whether some should be ordered to sell the same day.


Recovery Outreach Community Center (ROCC)-ROCC provides free walk-in support to any community member needing support, including those experiencing trauma, addiction, and homelessness.  They are requesting a donation in the form of a grant from SBC for a bicycle rack in front of their building. Tim connected ROCC with the Northwest Hub who identified the bike rack and hardware that would be needed. The Hub will do the installation for free and purchase the rack at wholesale price. The cost of the bike rack with 8 bike slots & hardware is $800. ROCC requested SBC to provide $600 for this project. The board voted and unanimously approved the $600 grant to ROCC.



Monster Cookie Update - the monster cookie appears to be going well. Ken Freeman is working on the insurance since the school requires a different type of policy than our standard and would cost quite a bit more. The permit application with Marion County is almost complete. A motion was a made to approve tip jars for volunteer mechanics and to be able to transfer a free monster cookie ride registration from a mechanic to someone of his or her choice. The mechanic should email Tim Newman directly to get this arranged.


The volunteer ride will be Saturday April 20th from 9:00 a.m. and volunteers will be meeting at McNary High School to do the ride.


Next meetings-


the next general meeting will be at Painter’s Hall April 8th from 6:00 to 8:30. our speaker will be Dan Shryock. He will talk about his new book "Cycling Across Oregon" follows a group of friends as they set out to ride each of Oregon's 17 scenic bikeways in a single year.


The next board meeting will be March 13th 2024 at 6:30 PM via zoom